Playing the Native American Flute has many benefits, and there are many reasons to try this instrument. But a single reason is my personal number #1! The Native American Flute is a very simple instrument! Almost everyone can learn to play it easily. There’s no need for musical training background, and no reasons to spend years learning – just take the flute and play.
It goes deeper – because I believe that the need to play an instrument, or actually the need to express our soul and emotions through music is important for every healthy human being.
Music Education Back at School
When I was a kid, still attending the primary school, our music education was limited to a single instrument. Here in Poland, like in many other Western countries, kids learn to play the recorder.
After doing some research, I have to admit that most people around the world consider this instrument a very traumatic one.
Recorder is not a simple flute to play. It’s not very intuitive, and actually, the sound of plastic may not appeal to most people. If this form of musical education becomes mandatory, it’s easy to make people believe they can’t really play anything or create their own music.
Thus, my school music education left me with an impression that I:
- Cannot play an instrument – because I wasn’t very good with the recorded.
- Don’t need to play an instrument – because I didn’t enjoy my musical education.
It wasn’t until I’ve learned to play the Native American Flute, already as an adult, that I realized I was wrong. I can play an instrument, and I need to play an instrument.
Discovering Native American Flute in my mid-20s was enough for me to motivate myself to learn how to read music notes, understand music theory, and self-learn to play a keyboard with all these fancy keys :).
Let’s take a closer look at these two false beliefs that I had, and that many people still have.
The Ability to Play Instruments
Many instruments are very difficult to learn how to play, and our music education system leaves no room here for a different opinion. On the other hand, many basic ethnic instruments are very easy to learn how to play. But ethnic instruments are not generally used in Western education dominated by European thought.
Which is kind a weird. Music education should be focused either on exploration the local traditional instruments of ethnic or folk origin; or on exploration of instruments of different cultures.
In case of many instruments, people agree that it takes some time to learn how to play the instrument, and once this is known, people start play these instruments. Like piano or guitar – let’s say, after 5 years.
Those people who are not skilled enough, need sheet notes to play. Those people who have talent, play with their intuition – this is intuitive music, the music that flows from the heart. It’s a music that translates inner thoughts and emotions into the language of sounds.
In reality, we all can express our inner states through music – those who think they can’t play, simply have not found their personal instrument yet.
This “some” time may take many years, because many instruments are difficult to learn. It limits the possibility of playing the instrument intuitively. But many ethnic instruments are different, they were created by people who needed a way to naturally express their inner worlds in simple ways, without the need of twenty years of practice just to play in a concert hall. Music expression is a need natural for all human beings – it is merely limited by the access to simple instruments and “fun” musical education.
The Native American flute is different in many ways than most instruments available. It is a very simple instrument. With a bit of practice, you just need 5 to 20 hours of learning and you can begin playing the intuitive music – your own music that comes from your inner core.
Learn the pentatonic scale, and learn all the ornaments and sound decorations, learn how to breathe and how to work with your fingers – and you’re done. After a couple of hours of practice you can already play your own music. Thus, the Native Flute proves that we all can actually play a musical instrument. It’s not something limited to “special people with talent”.
- Click here to learn the basics of playing Native American flute.
Because the ability to play this flute is almost inborn, creating your own music with this instrument is a logical next step.
The Need to Play Instruments and Make Music
This need for musical expression is natural for all people. We known this because each tribe and nation of the world created their own musical culture, with their own songs, melodies, styles and instruments. It flows in our veins!
I have many friends who introduce simple instruments to people. Musical expression for non-musical people results in the following opinions: music brings peace, relaxation, and helps people release the emotions that got stuck in their life. Musical expression heals emotionally.
To make music is natural for human kind. We understand this also because we all enjoy listening to music – it gives us strength, power, motivation, or sometimes helps us deal with our emotions, inner fears or worries. We understand this, because we all have the sense of rhythym, and our vocal cords are physically capable of singing. Music is part of our inner nature.
Throughout ages, people used music as a tool of healing, tool of embracing the community, or as a carrier of history.
Creating music is also a part of our inner nature – the music that flows from our heart, expresses our inner feelings or helps us embrace our emotions or glorify the beauty of the world around is is called “intuitive music”.
Emotional and Intelectual Aspects of Music
Music, either as made by us, or as listened to, offers many benefits that interact with both our intelect and our emotional side of life. As I said earlier, music gives us strength, inspires us, or it can help us deal with emotional pain. Quite often, it provides relaxation, which in passive way strengthens our immune system, too.
But music also influences our intelect. People who listen to different types of music increase the abilities of their brains, and people who actually plan an instrument, increase their brain capabilities even further. For those who wish to improve their brain skills, memory or intelect in general, learning how to play an instrument is one of the good ideas to go with.
Native American Flute – Tool of “Healing”
Among many other, the Native American style flute is an instrument that helps us embrace this inner nature of ours.
The thing about Native American Flute is that it’s a very intuitive instrument. You learn how to create music by yourself, by discovering your own path and style of music. Standard and formal musical education does not apply for this instrument. You don’t need to read music notes at all.
Musical expression seems to have its roots deep in our soul. Most people may not realize but their soul need to be expressed. For all people, music is a way of expressing that which dwelves within our mind, heart and soul. We all have this need, and the ability to do so. Some of us have this ability and need in great degree, and they turn it into a true talent, thus they become musicians or composers. But even if you’re not that talented, the need and ability remains.
That’s why you should learn to play the Native Flute – it’s the easiest way to unleash our inner need for musical expression. And once you learn how to play this instrument, your understanding of music and its role in your life will change.
What are your thoughts on the role of Native American Flute in music education, self-expression and general human culture? Share your thoughts below via comments, please.
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