Calm Forest – Native American Flute Songbook

Do you want to learn how to play a Native American style flute?

You can! And more than that, you can do this from a book, and you don’t have to read music!

Native American style flute is one of the simplest instruments in the world. With a bit of guidance, it’s possible to learn it from a book – I did. And now you can listen me play on my my free albums available on Jamendo. And after learning, I took my experiences and I’ve wrote a simplified guide that teaches how to play this wonderful instrument.

Calm Forest is a simplified guide that uses graphical tablature to show you which finger holes must be closed to play specific notes, and then melodies. The book uses progressive songs that grow in length and complexity, so you can start with something simple and progres further.

It is available on Amazon in both e-book format for Kindle, and as paperback.


Graphical Tablature

The book starts with a few pages of guidelines that teaches how to play and how to use basic articulations. Then it goes to teaching you various songs in progressively complex manner using a simplified graphical tablature like the one below:

This tablature shows you which holes to close (black ones) and which to remain open (white ones). This is the most universal way to learn how to play flute-type instruments.


If you’re unsure, go over the reviews of the customers published on Amazon :). The book often goes “Bestseller” in its category!

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